A reduction 

So, we just recently went through a layoff. It happened so fast, cold. It was one woman who is here for over 35 years, another one who is here about 30, and they were both told to leave without taking one item. These were trustworthy, good people. Then, I learned of the others. About 15 in total. I still feel like I’m walking through molasses, that shock you get after a car accident, when things are grey and you can’t fully hear, it’s more distant, like voices from down a hallway. 

I’m gonna miss these people, some I was looking forward to seeing their retirement party. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. There’s this common misnomer that as you age, because of the effort put in, life won’t give out as bad hardships. You know that’s bullshit, right? 

I’m well aware of this as I am on the precipice of my 50s. And I feel a nudge to go reading at the library, polishing off business guides for older folks. Because I can’t kid myself that something wicked this way may come.

About downszdiva

Freelance writer, blogger, foodie. Ph ilosopher, Jersey girl (not to be confused with the 'shore'). Pet sitter, lover of strong coffee.
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